The Book of Psalm 34 verse 4

Greetings to all our beloved faithful brethren and to all the saints in Christ our Lord Jesus, grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Daily Scriptural Devotion for today: (Scripture taken from the Amplified Version of the Bible)

The Book of Psalm 34 verse 4

The Holy Bible

And it reads:I sought (inquired of) the Lord and required Him [of necessity and on the authority of His Word], and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Jesus Christ has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of a sound mind! Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is my deliverer, He is my Helper, my ever present help in times of need! In times of trouble! We must inquire of the Lord! He requests it from us. We must seek first the Kingdom of God and all things that we may ever require of in this lifetime shall be added unto us! Amen!

Get down on your kneesDavid’s prayers that he did for himself helped to silence his fears; many besides him have looked unto the Lord by faith and by prayer and this has wonderfully revived and truly comforted the children of the Lord.

We are living in an unsteady world. Now, when we look to the World, we become perplexed and lost , however when we look unto Jesus Christ, who is the Author and the finisher of our faith; we can cheer up brethren and all saints because He has overcome this world for us! Yes, we may be in this world but we are not of this world. We play by a different set of Rules! Glory! We are Victorious! I am victorious! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS!crown

Whenever the Lord hears your prayers He saves you out of all your troubles! Seraphim AngelsThe Holy Angels, the Seraphim and the Cherubims all the Heavenly Hosts minister to the saints and stand for us against the powers of this dark world! Against all the principalities and rulers of this World! Amen! All glory be unto the Lord God Almighty of the Angels of the most High God!

God Blesses those who trust in Him! Taste and see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living!

” I sought the Lord, and He heard me.”

David was exposed to the persecutions of Saul, he did not confide in his own wisdom or trust to any devices of his own but that he sought for the protection and guidance of God! What are your persecutions? What are your troubles? What is your mountain? Remember, God is your refuge and He will fight your battles! God grants us His presence!

Be Blessed Day and Night!


You are blessed going in and blessed going out…


PRIM [Pure Rock International Ministries], is looking for partners who can help partner with us to take this Gospel of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the World! All around the Globe! Gospel Financiers! To Build the Kingdom of God here on this planet earth! World Shakers of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with your finances.


“Your Finances in the Kingdom of God, stores up treasures in Heaven for you and your household.” Amen

Whatever contribution you may feel moved to give, be it $ 38 .00 ; $100.00 ; $150.00 or $ 200.00;  be it according to the leading of the Holy Spirit placed upon your heart; please may you contact the number or email address showing below for more details:

078 590 4357 or

[Partnering with God is a lifetime partnership of PROSPERITY]


Please follow our link below to receive your daily devotions and to read our articles. The word of God never grows old. It has the Divine powers of God to renew our mind daily!













The Book of 1 Corinthians Chapter 11 verse 24

Greetings to all our beloved faithful brethren and to all the saints in Christ our Lord Jesus, grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Daily Scriptural Devotion for today: (Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible)

The Book of 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 24

The Holy Bible

And it reads:

And when He had given thanks, He brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.


Jesus Christ instructed us to do the Holy Communion as often as we can and that when we do, we do this in remembrance of Him.

1. We remember that which took place at Golgotha.

2. We remember the blood that was shed for us!

3. We remember the nails that were thrust through the palm of His hands and on His feet!

4. We remember the agonizing pain and how He cried out:

” My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?! ” 

How Holy Communion is ever so important!

Holy Communion is all about :

  • Honoring Him! That He is Lord of all! He is the only true King of Kings
  • Connecting with God; Honoring the God of oneness!
  • Connecting with one another
  • Connecting also with the original intent of the Passover. { The shadow of Holy Communion is the Passover that was celebrated by the children of Israel)
  • Re-imaging our minds concerning who we are in Christ Jesus and that our future in Him is bright
  • Cleansing the Mind
  • Bringing Communion in our community and we become one body
  • Our coming out! This is decreeing to principalities and powers that we are connecting to that original intent for the Church! Hallelujah!
  • Announcing to the principalities and the powers of this dark world, announcing to Satan and Lucifer and his demons that he does not have control over this earth anymore!!
  • A relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ! It is not a religion! Christianity is a lifestyle
  • Celebrating Him! It is a ‘ Holy Feast ‘ . Holy Communion is about remembering that specific defining MOMENT that Jesus paid it all for us! 

The list is endless…you see, my defining moment in the Body of Christ takes me back to Golgotha! My defining moment; my turnaround takes me to the Garden of Gethsemane! My defining moment takes me to the Upper-room; when they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and with power! Glory be unto Jesus forever more!

Hope You were blessed by this message today!

Hallelujah! Glory be to His name forevermore!

Be blessed day and night!


You are blessed going in and blessed going out…


If you have been blessed by this devotion we would like to hear from you! Our team is on standby. Wherever you may be around the globe, we are believing God to change your story around. This could be your turning point in your life’s journey.

The Bible informs us…”the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!”

Our Team the Prevailing Prayer Team[PPT] is ready to pray for you. Distance is never a barrier in the realm of the Spirit! God can touch you right there where you are!

Whatever we decree together here on this earth shall also be decreed in Heaven! Whatever we loose together here on this earth shall also be loosed in Heaven! Call us today or drop us an email and we will gladly respond to your prayers. Jesus is Lord! Ask anything in His name and He shall give it to you! Amen

Please reach us on the following: Cell: 078 590 4357 ; 082 755 0396 ; whatsapp communication line: 078 813 5907 or email us at or drop us a comment or prayer request right on this very blog. God Bless you! God be with you and may God keep you! REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE!


Kindly follow our link below to receive your PRIM Soul Booster [SB]. These daily devotions will uplift you and feed your soul. Feel free to read our archived articles; The Word of God never expires, it has that divine power of God to renew your mind daily! [Ephesians chapter 4 verse 23 – 24, ” And be ye renewed in the Spirit of your mind and that ye put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and in true holiness.”]

Once again we would love to hear from you!

Let us share the grace:

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God and the Sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abides with us now and forevermore! In Jesus Name! Amen!”

Follow our link below to receive daily devotions:





The Book of Mark Chapter 13 Verse 10

Greetings to all our beloved faithful brethren and to all the saints in Christ our Lord Jesus, grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your Daily Scriptural Devotion for today: (Scripture taken from the Amplified Version of the Bible)

The Book of Mark Chapter 13 verse 10

And it Reads:The Holy Bible

” The Gospel [that is, the good news regarding the way of salvation] must first be preached to all the [Gentiles] nations. ” 

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is for every soul, every individual!

Whether you be Chinese, African America, White America, Brazilian, Indian, African, European, or Mixed Race or all races and background for that matter, this Gospel is for you!

We the Gentiles, who have been adopted as sons and daughters the moment we give our life to Jesus Christ can now cry out “Abba Father”. We are no longer foreigners but belong to Him and are now called brethren! How I love you Lord! Amen.

Preach this good news that has the power, the dynamic ability to cause changes, the dynamic ability to transform someones life today and forever.

We who are the Children of God have been saved by God’s grace! We have now become children of light!

” A city that is set on a hill can never be hid! And you are that hill”! Hill


Glory be to His name forevermore!

Be Blessed Today and tonight!


You are blessed going in and blessed going out…


“Your Finances in the Kingdom of God, stores up treasures in Heaven for you and your household.” Amen

PRIM is looking for partners who can help partner with us to take this Gospel, our wonderful message of our Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the World. 

Gospel Financiers!

“Partnering with God is a lifetime partnership of prosperity. Whatever contribution you feel moved to give please contact the number or email below for more details: 

078 590 4357 or


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